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Pallet features

Now that you've learned a little about how the NFTs pallet is designed in Design and core features, you'll probably better understand how it can provide a wide array services.

This section gives an overview of the NFTs pallet's core features.

Please note this section is under construction. We'd love to include any use case ideas you may have. Please reach out or open an issue in this repository! 🙏

Atomic-swapping between item holders

  • An item holder can swap their item with another item holder of the same collection
  • The trade can be atomically without the need for a marketplace

Allowing authorized entities to set new attributes to items

  • Item holders can allow a third party to update the attributes of their item
  • This can meet use cases in gaming whereby users can authorize a gaming platform to make updates to their NFT, such as saving game state

Pre-signing the ability for accounts to mint from a collection

  • A collection owner can create signatures for a whitelist of addresses to be able to mint from their collection
  • The signature can contain sale conditions or allow addresses to mint items for free

Minting from a collection as holder from another collection

  • Collections can be created with mint settings that specify another collection ID
  • Only holders of items from an existing collection can mint from this new collection