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Mint settings and roles

There are different types of roles allowed to make updates to collection items, depending on the collection settings. The basic idea behind configuring a collection’s settings is to specify what entities are allowed to make updates to the minting settings of a collection over time. Entities can be accounts controlled by a single user, a group of users or for more advanced use cases, pallet-level accounts.

The different roles a collection owner can configure include:

  • Issuer: an entity that can mint from a collection.
  • Admin: an entity that can update the metadata of a collection unless it is already locked.
  • Freezer: an entity with permission to freeze (and unfreeze) a collection, making items non-transferable.
  • None: if a collection has no roles set, the collection is created with no ability to update these roles in the future.

🧑‍💻 Head to the Code sandbox to start trying out different settings.